Courageous woman, you’ve come too far to settle for average or mediocre love.
You’ve looked for your dream man in conscious communities, authentic-relating workshops, and tantra retreats...
And, even though you can attract high-quality men, you haven’t found a man who can truly match you in your power, depth, intensity, and drive for life yet.
You’ve done everything in your power to try to find him - but did you know that looking for true love is only half of the manifestation equation?
To successfully call in the man of your dreams, it's necessary to balance the masculine energy of “doing” with the feminine energy of becoming highly magnetic.

You’ve worked too hard to heal your past wounds, work through your traumas and learn to become a healthy, empowered being to ever settle for less than the incredible love you know you’re worthy of.
You want a man who shows up with:
â–º integrity
â–º presence
â–º an open heart
â–º courageous communication
â–º and an adventurous streak in the bedroom.
You long for a man who's:
♥ Deeply grounded, knows himself well, and communicates his wants, needs, and boundaries with ease.
♥ Passionate about life and making a difference.
♥ Determined, committed and willing to navigate bumps and challenges that may arise on your way to creating a beautiful, strong, healthy relationship that can stand the test of time.
And you know without a doubt that you’re going to find this man - it’s just a matter of time.
I am right here championing you, sister. I know that you are made for this, and this for you!
What if there was a way you could catapult yourself forward in time and meet him right now?
What if you could remove all the energetic blocks delaying your timeline and manifest him at will?
What if you felt so completely ready, confident, and certain in your ability - not only to attract him but also to build an exquisite, deep and lasting forever relationship that would continue to grow and strengthen over time?
This is precisely what I support the women in my Soul-Aligned Love mastermind to do.
And when you join us in the next iteration, you could be amongst the courageous and faith-leaping women who’ll call in their dream man by January 2024.
Just think about that for a moment…
Seeing in the New Year with your ideal man by your side ♥
♥ Going through the holidays introducing him to your friends and family, knowing that this connection is something really special
♥ Spending weekends getting to know him
♥ Feeling met on every level
♥ No more needing to be on dating sites; The end of the search - finally
♥ Building a life together - at last!

Allow yourself to dream a little…
Imagine yourself:
♥ Being held in love by a man who meets all of your standards
♥ Beginning the beautiful journey of truly getting to know him - this exquisite example of the healthy masculine, who shows up for you in the most profound ways, making you feel like a million dollars every day
♥ Opening fully to love, knowing your heart is safe in his hands, and allowing yourself to let down your defences, be vulnerable, and feel safe
♥ Feeling “met” on every level and receiving supreme love and adoration, worthy of the Queen you know yourself to be
♥ Learning how to love on an all-encompassing heart-, body-, and soul-level
♥ Being enveloped in a love that helps all of you to feel accepted and welcome
♥ Awakening your feminine energy fully as your healing journey comes full circle in the safety of unwavering, supportive, and encouraging masculine love
All of this is possible for you when you join Soul-Aligned Love and fully commit to the process.
What Will We Do?
1. You’ll be supported to connect fully with your desires and call in your dream man.
You’ll be guided to:​
â–ºOpen your heart and feel all the feels - to clear the way for calling in true love
â–ºVisualise the man you want to call in and get clear on the details - to send a clear message to the universe about what you desire
â–ºConnect with him energetically and draw him towards you
2. Clear out any limiting beliefs or insecurities that have previously gotten in the way of you calling in and building magnificent love.
â–ºLearn the most potent shadow-clearing and empowerment tool known to human consciousness
â–ºMaster 4 pairs of light and shadow archetypes that will help you to recognise and eradicate all the ways you’ve subconsciously been sabotaging, blocking or rejecting love
â–ºBecome highly magnetic in your energy and upgrade your vibration so that you can attract your dream man at lightning speed
3. Guide you to take courageous and bold action to meet your ideal man in real life and start your beautiful new relationship together.
You’ll receive:
â–ºSupport to stay connected to your self-worth and deservingness as you navigate the dating scene with grace and prowess
â–ºPowerful and effective tools to clear out any triggers that surface and come back to your centre and power quickly, with minimal drama
â–ºGuidance on how to date efficiently so you only give your time and energy to men who you’ve prequalified to be a match for your standards and desires
No more time-wasters or first dates feeling disconnected!
You’ll learn to date efficiently and effectively so you can find your perfect partner with minimal emotional rollercoaster and in the shortest possible time.
Client Success Story:
Anxious Attachment To Married Bliss!
Rachel overcame a history of attracting narcissists and anxious attachment to create lasting love with the man of her dreams!
Hear the heart-warming story of how, after participating in the Soul-Aligned Love mastermind (formerly called Claim Your Crown), Rachel cleared her anxious attachment triggers to cultivate Secure Attachment and give her boyfriend the space he needed to feel ready for marriage.
Just one year after completing Soul-Aligned Love, Rachel and Bruno got married - and he even moved country to be with her!
THIS is the power of clearing your insecurities to cultivate securely-attached love that can LAST.

Before I learned the method that I now teach in Soul-Aligned Love,
I’d been looking for my ideal man for 5 years.
I tried to find him at meditation retreats, embodiment workshops, and in conscious sexuality communities.
All the men I dated either didn’t want the level of commitment and connection I longed for, or they hadn’t done enough healing work to be on the same spiritual and consciousness level as me.
The men I did feel potential with didn’t feel the same about me!
My relationships lasted just a few months; then I had to pick myself up and start again...
It was exhausting and disheartening.
I started to question if maybe I’d done “too much” personal dev work and would never be able to find a man on my level.
When I developed the Soul-Aligned Love methodology, everything changed...
I could suddenly see all the ways I’d been subconsciously tripping myself up and repeating old patterns that kept me stuck in this cycle of ‘nearly but not quite right’ matches!
Using a potent set of 8 archetypes to identify which pattern I was in, and how to break free of it, was so empowering!
Within weeks, I cleared out deep-rooted insecurities, fears and trauma remnants that years of talk and embodiment therapy hadn’t been able to heal.

I quickly upgraded my energy and became super magnetic - with people, money and opportunities knocking at my door from all avenues.
I set a goal to call in my dream man inside of 3 months - but blasted that out of the water when he DM’d me just 6 weeks later!
Because I now knew how to recognise when I’d found my dream man, after just 4 dates I knew I’d found ‘my person’ - and we’ve been together ever since.
Coming up to 3 years now, we have the strongest and deepest relationship we’ve ever known, and we are building our forever future together.
Beautiful woman, this is totally within your reach as well.
I know because I coach women like you to find and cultivate lasting love.
I help self-aware, courageous women, just like you, to clear the blocks that have kept lasting love at bay and help them attract their dream man so they can create the forever relationship they’ve been looking for.

You’ll Walk Away With:
♥ Complete confidence to show up as your authentic self, meet, qualify, and enter into a relationship with your ideal man
♥ The most empowered, free, self-believing, and self-loving version of yourself you’ve ever known
♥ Eradication of blocks, beliefs and behaviours that previously kept high-calibre men away
♥ A potent in-your-pocket tool that you can use at any time to stay centred, grounded, and in your power and integrity at all times, so you can show up as your best self and attract a man of an equal calibre
♥ Practical dating strategy to call in your ideal man
♥ My Precision Dating tools help you identify quickly and accurately whether a man is right for you and worthy of your time to get to know him
♥ An effective method to determine within 5 messages on a dating site if a man is a good match for you
♥ The ability to quickly decipher from a man’s profile if he has the sort of energy and personality you’d vibe with
♥ Awareness of dating chemistry and what happens to your brain when you meet someone you find attractive so you can not let it take over and derail you!
Who Is This Mastermind For?
This is FOR you, if:
â–ºYou’re self-aware and love learning about yourself
â–ºYou’re an action-taker and decisive
â–ºYou can already attract dates and fairly good men - but you want an exceptional man
â–ºYou want a healthy, nourishing, growth-oriented relationship that’s built on a strong foundation of trust and integrity, so it will last for the future
â–ºYou are comfortable with a fairly fast-paced programme that crams in a tonne of transformation in a fairly short time, so that you can rapidly upgrade and finally see the dating results you've been searching for.
â–ºYou love shadow work and understanding yourself on a deep level
â–ºYou are able to integrate what you learn and use it to upgrade quickly
â–ºYou feel the universe has your back and you believe in manifestation
â–ºYou understand that the group is here to support you, and are willing to be vulnerable in front of them.
This programme is NOT for you, if:
â–ºYou are not clear on the type of man or relationship you want to call in (take my Defining Your Desires masterclass first, then come back to Soul-Aligned Love)
â–ºYou don’t feel ready to truly go after the calibre of man you desire because you don't yet believe you are really worthy of that (take my Owning Your Magnificence mastermind instead)
â–ºYou have very negative views about men and think they’re all a-holes
â–ºYou believe that all your relationship troubles stem from the men you’ve dated and have nothing to do with you
â–ºYou feel entitled to have love drop in your lap without doing anything to make that happen
â–ºYou’re not interested in doing any inner-work or you’re averse to feeling / processing your emotions
►​You don’t believe in intuition, synchronicities or something greater than yourself.
Here's what my clients are saying...
I'd often look for security from my partner when I felt triggered. Through doing this work, I'm now able to support him & give love selflessly, rather than from a place of need or demand. This has made talking about us moving forward together much easier to navigate. Feels so empowering!!!!
- Rachel, 40s, UK
After this programme, I feel free in so many ways! I don't feel my painful past anymore - it is gone completely. It is such a difference to live without that baggage in my heart! I now appreciate & celebrate myself. I'm happy to see what I see in the mirror. I deserve it all! My relationships are thriving. I'm more playful, energetic, creative. When triggers occur, I deal with them & it takes less & less time.
- Michaela, 30s, UK
Natalie is an amazingly talented coach who's extremely dedicated. I got fantastic results front his programme. I've been able to reclaim my self worth, set boundaries & believe in myself. The feeling of being overwhelmed with anxiety has disappeared. My body feels calm and centred. I feel empowered. No longer intimidated by others. Trusting myself again which feels amazing.
- Andrea, 50s, UK
I've been doing an amazing shadow work programme with Natalie & I am so grateful for this powerful, Avantgarde, radical work. My nervous system already feels so much less activated & I have more capacity & less fear to show up. I recommend Natalie’s work to anyone wishing to clear these unhelpful beliefs & the drain they have on our life force energy.
- Shanti, 40s, UK
I am so enjoying feeling a sense of security within me. I really feel this programme brought me back into my own power, thank you so very much!
- Rachel, 40s, UK
This programme was the best course I have ever done in my life!! I will be forever thankful to you Natalie for teaching me all this & changing my life in so many ways.
- Michaela, 30s, UK
A big part of what held me back [...] was a fear of being judged for being different or not conforming. I can feel a shift now because I know that even if I get shot down by other people, my dreams have value! I know that those people are not my people & I don’t need recognition to validate my worth. I validate my own dreams & my own worth.
- Rachel, 40s, UK
I love Natalie's courses. I have been on several with different focuses and thoroughly enjoyed all. They have marked key turning points for me in my own spiritual path. She is an inspiring, approachable, insightful and unique teacher.
- Rachel, 40s, UK
Having cleared a whole heap of unworthiness through working with Natalie, I'm now feeling that I could very much have a beautiful life - thanks Natalie..!!